I'm still on about the quantum computer and artificial neural networks, but I've discovered as I waded through the mangrove swamps of information google has virtualised all around me, that it's not all as simple as I thought. In fact...well, you can imagine. Nothing about 'quantum' was ever going to be simple. But I'll keep looking. In the meantime the above article has appeared at The Register. They're theorising that all this endless carrying on about dark matter and dark energy was just so much sticky stuff to keep all sorts of other theories together, and that all cosmologists can now relax and get on to other more interesting things like...whatever it is these guys find interesting (the whole universe, for instance).
Naturally, not everyone agrees.
However, the scientific community remains sceptical. Michael Turner from the University of Chicago actually coined the term "dark energy" and in 1990, co-authored a paper with Kolb. He says: "Their paper is going to get enormous scrutiny, and my own guess is that in the end, they'll be wrong."
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