Friday, June 10, 2005

American Scientist Online - An interview with Michael Gazzaniga

Author of "The Ethical Brain", which I haven't read yet, but the interview is very interesting and worth having a look at.


Anonymous said...

Define morality?

Unknown said...

Well, that's the bugger, isn't it? From what I understood in the article, he believes that we'll discover some innate/instinctive sense of ethics (which, I suppose, is similar to morality). I have a feeling these Americans are very worried that they may find that morality is very subjective...

I'd say morality is defined by society, culture, rather than by individuals. Unless of course your society is made up of an individual (or is a dictatorship)...hehehe.

Here's how the web defines it: morality

Which, I suppose, means that it's as meaningless as everything else we do, until we find that we're the only sentient beings in the universe, in which case we can decide...blahblahblah. Incoherent thoughts on a slippery subject. Shit, I have work to do...