Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Starlab research: Christopher Altman

Look at this...

Last summer I held a research fellowship working with the Starlab CAM Brain group in studies designing and evolving artifical neural networks directly in silico. The project combines evolvable hardware and genetic algorithms in a novel approach towards the design and implementation of large-scale neural networks.

Science fiction, or what? Evolvable hardware - I'm sure he's not talking about us (spoedniek speaking for the human race).

My son is 3 years old now. If we (again I'll casually take the liberty of speaking for the human race) survive our own cleverness, I can't begin to imagine what kind of world he's going to inhabit when he's my age. ...uhm...that's 33 years from now. And how do I keep up? I barely know my iPods from my DVD-R...RW+- (What is it with these RW+ and RW-?!) Hey, and I have a job, okay? Can't surf the net all day long...

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